Puri Pramudiani, Zulkardi, Yusuf Hartono, Barbara van Amerom
IndoMs. J.M.E
Vol.2 No.2 July 2011, pp. 215-230
Decimals is important domain in
mathematics. Indonesian curriculum, nevertheless, leads most teachers to introduce
decimals merely as another notation for fractions or percentages. Teaching and
learning of decimal is conducted in a very formal way, in which decimal is
directly converted from fraction which has denominator ten or one hundred
without using of concrete situations to introduce its concept to students. As
consequence, many students assumed that decimal is just the number containing
point (comma) without knowing the meaning of it. At the same time, they might
think that there were no other numbers between two concecutive whole numbers.
The researcher, therefore,
conducted this study aiming at developing an instructional program that enables
students to discover decimals and get insight about their magnitude through
measurement activity as a meaningful way. RME underlies the design of context
and activities used in this study.
This research was done under design research methodology, conducted in
six lessons at grade 5 SDN 21 Palembang by involving 26 students and a teacher
as research subject. The learning activities in this study were generally
designed to help students explore the notation and the meaning of decimals.
There are four activities design by researcher in this study; those are:
Activity 1
Playing come closer game with an expectation that students are able to
determine the numbers between the other numbers. Through this activity, it
could be known that whether students have already perceived an idea about
decimals based on their daily experiences or they have no idea at all about any
number between two concecutive whole numbers.
Activity 2
Measuring the weight of the things (duku and body) using weight scale and
digital weight scale. Through those activities, students were encouraged to do
the precise and accurate measurement so they eventually could find decimals in
weighing body activity, for instance, by observing the scales that when the
needle pointed to the position between two consecutive numbers there should be
comma numbers (decimals) in it, e.g between 35,6 appeared on the digital weight
between 35 and 36.
Activity 3
Measuring the weight of rice helped students to invent the meaning of
one-digit decimals by finding that there were ten partitions containing one
digit decimals between two concecutive whole numbers which eventually lead to
the idea that decimals refer to the number of base ten, i.e: 0,2 is at the
second stripe from ten stripe overall (two over ten).
Activity 4
Measuring the volume of beverages aimed at developing students’
acquisition for the idea of two-digit decimals. By using model of measuring
cup, the students could perceive the idea that there are decimals between two
concecutive whole numbers, and between two concecutive one-digit decimals there
are other decimals, namely two-digit decimals.
Furthermore, they also found the idea that decimals refer to the
partitioning base tenth of tenth by noticing the stripes provided by measuring
To conclude, context and activities designed (weight and volume
measurement) can become the concrete situation for learning decimals. It could
provoke students’ thinking about decimal idea developing from informal level to
pre-formal level containing insightful mathematical ideas. Or the other word,
decimals can be taught in a meaningful way by applying RME approach, however it
was known as abstract for most students.