Instructional Design of PMRI Division Material in Grade IVA MIN 2 Model Palembang

Andi Harpeni Dewantara, 2013

This study aims at developing an instructional program that enables students to discover the concept of division through performing division activity using manipulative as a meaningful way. Manipulative used in supporting the learning activities was a set of manipulative consisting of several boxes and some straws.
This class observation was conducted in two meeting at grade IVA MIN 2 Model Palembang by involving 31 students as research subject. RME underlies the design of context and activities used in this classroom observation.  The learning activities were generally designed to help students explore their idea about the concept of division, specially in dividing two-digit number (hundreds) without remainder which was discussed in this observation. There are four activities designed by observer in this study; those are:
Activity 1
Performing division by using context group division. In such activity, students were asked to divide 30 students into some groups with the same number of members in each. Then, they should illustrate it in worksheet. From the results of group discussions, the students performed the division of 30 students into several groups by using different ways. Some groups divided students into 6 groups, so each group consisted of 5 people. While ohers divided into 5 groups with 6 members in each. This stage is called as referential level or model-of, in which the model and the strategy refer to the situation described in the problem illustrated in the form of writing or drawing as some students’ works below:
Activity 2
Performing division by using context of the distribution of meat. Students were asked to divide 96 kg of meat to 4 RT. By using manipulative, students who worked in group were asked to demonstrate the division activity. Then, they should illustrate it in worksheet as the use of model-of stage. All five groups wrote the same answer, that each RT gets 24 kg of meat since they found that there are 24 straws in each box. These results were obtained after they perform the division of 96 straws to 4 boxes. They split the straws for 6 stages. In the first stage they split 10 straws in each box, so that the remaining straw was 56 pieces. Next in the they repeated the same way to split10 straws into each box. In the third phase, students put 1 straw into each box, and repeated such way until the 6th stage so that the remaining 16 straws eventually split out into 4 boxes.
Activity 3
Students were directed to write model-for division by completing some questions about algorithm of alternative division by Showder (1998) in the worksheet. Continuing the activity 2, it was concluded that the process of division what they did was repeated subtraction process, coming up in form 96 – 40 – 40 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0. This means that students could learn the concept of division from informal to the formal level.
Activity 4
Teacher held the mathematics congress to strengthen students' understanding of division algorithm. The teacher also emphasized that the alternative division algorithm they learned was to assist them in understanding the concept of division as well as assist them in performing division operations efficiently.
To conclude, context and activities designed above can become the concrete situation for students to learn division, developing from informal level starting with the presentation of realistic contexts which are very real for the students to the formal level by introducing the formal division algorithm. By using manipulative, students can undertake the process of division situationally before continuing to model-of and model-for levels. So that in this learning process the students can construct their own minds in understanding the basic concept of division as repeated subtraction process.

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