Frans van Galen, Dolly van Eerde
IndoMS. J.M.E
Vol.4 No.1 January 2013, pp 1-8

Students in the last grade of primary school must be familiar with ‘percentage’, yet most of them often struggle with percentage problems. As in the study performed by authors and 10 Indonesian master students in Utrecht that only 4 out of 14 grade 7 students (13 and 14 years old) at an international school were able to answer correctly on this problem: ‘On a bike that normally costs 600 you get a discount of 15%. What do you have to pay?’
Data from the written test and interviews reveal that most of students in this study did not know a systematic procedure for working with percentages. Only the student with the highest score solved all problems in the same way: she translated the percentage into a decimal  and multiplied. Given the bike problem, for example: 15% of  is 0,15 x 600. Whilst other students solve by multiplying 15/100 x 600.  
In addition, several students tried to use another approach by finding an equal proportion of the given percentage. 15% is known same as ’15 out of 100’  or ‘15/100’ and then they tried to to find the same proportion in ‘so many 600ths’.  Principally, this approach is correct leading them find 15/100=90/100. Often, however, the unfriendly proportion of ’15 out of 100’ confused some students. Many students divided 600 by 100. Since they saw 100 cannot be divided by 15 easily, but 600 : 15 is doable.
In a teaching experiment in this study, the students were then taught the use of percentage bar. Hence, this article discusses how percentage bar supports students solve the percentage problems and shows a few examples showing how quick students profited from working with this approach.
Drawing a percentage bar has several advantages (van den Heuvel, 2003; van Galen et al., 2008; Rianasari et al., 2012). Those are:

1st : 
It allows students make a representation for themselves of the relations between what percentage is given and what is asked. For some cases, it can be presented as follows;

    1.  ‘How much is 15% of 600?’                           
    2. ‘€90 of €600, what percentage is that?’  
   3. ‘€90 is 15% of total price; how much is the total price?’
2nd :
It offers scrap paper for the intermediate steps in the calculation process. The students can easily decide what to do next after every step of calculation. For instance, 50% of €600 is €300, 10% is €60, and 5 % is €30. Thus, via 10% and 5%, student may find that the answer is €60 + €30 = €90, as in the following figure. 

3rd :
It offers a natural entry to calculating via 1%. First, calculate 1% and from there calculate the percentage that is asked for. This approach is generally applicable and efficient to do. It helps students to solve the percentage problem with unfriendly numbers (e.g 26% or 51% of something).

The researcher suggested that a good approach when students start learning about percentages is calculating via 10%. But, it is only possible if the number are easy. Later on when working with more complicated numbers, calculating via 1% systematically seems to be an efficient and applicable procedure.
One of the problems that was given to the students was a problem about downloading a computer file:  ‘11% of 600 MB has been downloaded already, how many MB is that’ Through percentage bar, student found: 50% = 300, 25% = 150, 10% = 60, and 1% = 6. She, eventually computed 11%=10% + 1% and could easily determine 11% of 600 MB = 66 MB.
Some problems in written test shows how effective the percentage bar in helping students to solve percentage problems that they probably could not have done otherwise. The percentage bar offers support, because it helps students to oversee the relations between the given number. Besides, it should be prevented, at least, students to decide too quickly solve percentage problems in their heads.

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